Leehama or Robyn (she/her)Comic creator

Please click the banners for more information about each comic!
Gourmet Hound

Where to read: WEBTOON
Genres: Drama, slice-of-life, romance
Status: Complete
(171 episodes: December 2017-March 2020)Lucy, a woman with an uncanny sense of taste and smell, discovers that her favorite restaurant has changed kitchen staff–and she does not know the identity of the chef whose cooking she’s loved for years. When a lucky accident leads her to two former chefs at Dimanche, she decides that she will do her utmost to track down each of their old colleagues in order to rediscover that “perfect taste”.Gourmet Hound is a shoujo manga-inspired comic that deals with the themes of home, grief, and connection through food. It is a WEBTOON Original.Reviews: The Geekiary | Comics Beat | The Takeout | WWAC
Kind of Love: “Peaches”

Where to read: WEBTOON
Genres: Romance, drama
Status: Complete
(6 episodes: February 2021)Caroline’s childhood crush, best friend, and current renowned chef Felix asks her for a favor: he wants her to give him peaches from their school’s old peach tree, hoping that their nostalgic taste will be the key to a dish that will finally win over his own longtime love at their ten-year class reunion. As Caroline decides if she will aid Felix in his romantic endeavors (and in the meantime, sees how many peach dishes she can make to avoid giving the peaches to him), she comes to terms with a fruitless first love finally ending.“Peaches” was written as a short story for Season 2 of WEBTOON’s “Kind of Love” anthology! The theme for the season was “food and love.”

Where to read: Tumblr | WEBTOON | Tapas
Genres: Drama, slice-of-life, romance
Status: Incomplete; indefinite hiatus
(November 2015-)Ten years ago, Ben was the first person to be infected by a strange disease that causes flowers to grow from his body every spring and summer. In a world where flowers have become frightening, Ben has come to accept that most people will want to keep their distance from his dandelions. However, when an enthusiastic photographer arrives out of the blue and asks Ben to be a part of his project, Ben begins to discover what being a “flowerpot” really means.My first webcomic – Flowerpot is an exploration of self-acceptance and the treatment of disease and advocacy in fiction, with some queer romance thrown in. It was put on indefinite hiatus after the launch of Gourmet Hound.
And Another Lovely Day

Where to read: WEBTOON Canvas | Tumblr
Genres: Slice-of-life, drama, comedy
Status: Ongoing
(September 2024-)A (non) rom-com about two aromatic-asexual coworkers who, after an accidental meet-cute outside of work, mistakenly believe the other is in love with them.
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